Rachel Maddow is correct that right wing racism is at new heights. Richard Nixon established a Southern Strategy established in 1968 that 'whites should stick together.'
This was after President Lyndon Johnson signed into law the Voting rights Acts that gave bare bones civil rights to blacks in the South to stop minority voter suppression. Most of the Dixiecrats then left the Democratic Party and became Republicans.
While Bush was president, the GOP tried to convince Americans that Affirmative Action and other programs that benefited blacks and other minorities was no longer needed because racism and discrimination had been eliminated in the American society.
That seemed to be born out in the election of Obama. There was little indication of a racial backlash against him because he had a black father.

Rush Limbaugh referred to Colin Powell's endorsement of Obama as being racially motivated and is still continuing to fans the fires of racism. Glen Beck and a host of other broadcasters including Lou Dobbs joined in with the 'Birther Conspiracy' that an executive at MSNBC called racist. The head of CNN indicated the birther story was dead months ago.
Several racial incidents have occured in Tennessee including a RNC candidate who published a song called 'Barrack the Magic Negro.' Another GOP staffer released a photo that had pictures of all the presidents on it. The last picture of Barrack Obama was simply a black background with white eyeballs. A prominent neurologist in St. Petersburg, FL published a graphic portraying Obama as witch doctor with a hammer and sickle. An so forth and so on.
It is peculiar that Republicans are always asking the President for an apology when few have come from the GOP for all of the overt racism. It is clear the Republican Party is playing the race card in an attempt to marginalise the president. It is also clear that the US has a long way to go before racism and other irrational prejudices will be eradicated from our society.
The GOP needs to grow up.
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