
Monday, December 19, 2011

WIN: Wisconsin has worst jobs creation record in country


One of the most dangerous things a gubernatorial candidate can do is project how many jobs they’ll create and how long it’ll take to create those jobs.

Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker was one of two Republicans that were elected to office in 2010 that made such predictions.

Democratic Party of Wisconsin Chair Mike Tate said during a conference call on Friday that part of the reason was the misuse of two special sessions on job creation. Instead of focusing on jobs the Republican majority in the legislature focused on passing a conservative social agenda. Tate said:

Scott Walker’s Republican Party killed dozens of bipartisan job creation bills and instead rammed through a radical social agenda that gives millions in tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires, kicks thousands of seniors, working families, and children off of their health coverage.

On the campaign trail he said he’d create 250,000 jobs by 2014. So far, the numbers have said he’s doing everything but create jobs. November saw the fifth straight month of Wisconsin losing jobs. And a new report from the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia shows Wisconsin coming in dead last in the nation when it comes to job creation. 

Rick Scott made the same promises in Florida and has launched a conservative agenda to make the state "more business friendly." Scott has also reneged on his promise to create 700,000 jobs above and beyond normal Florida job growth. 

That is the same job creation message of Mitt Romney. Obama just doesn't understand the economy and we need a businessman as president to create jobs. 

The problem is that GOP presidents have never been good at creating jobs. For example, GW Bush rarely talked about unemployment and preferred to discuss "worker productivity." 

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