
Monday, December 19, 2011

The fix has always been in for Mitt

With Newt on his way out according to Public Policy Polling, watch for attacks on Ron Paul. The country club Republicans have their man  and it is Mitt. Mitt is strong on defense, pro-Wall Street and an Israel Firster a neo-conservative can love.

Paul is none of the above and if Israel has trepidations about Obama, just imagine what it would in for with Paul as president. Clearly, the RNC has a big problem with Paul. He won't accept the vice president position and if establishment Republicans alienate him, he could launch an effective third party movement.

According the IBOPE/Zogby, Paul is would be the strongest of the third party candidates and could win 16 per cent of the electorate. If Paul goes third party, the GOP is sunk for the presidency.

So the RNC is finding itself between a rock and a hard place.

Regardless, watch for attacks to escalate against Paul from the right.

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