
Thursday, January 5, 2012

BBC: 'Are the Republican candidates all crazy?'

If you haven't read the Mike Marshall editorial, you should. With the exception of Mitt Romney and John Huntsman, "all the others are widely seen as a little kooky." Marshall quoted a long term Republican saying that a mammal should be able to beat Obama, but all the GOP candidates are reptiles.

Marshall adds:

There is absolutely no equivalent in Britain and the focus in American politics on religious views of matters sexual seems very alien.

Of course, abortion and gay marriage can be issues in the UK but they never loom over elections.

Republicans may suggest this has something to do with US "exceptionalism." Rightardia suggests it points to a nation that has too many citizens with reactionary political values. The US is not ahead of the political enlightenment curve, it is behind it.

Marshall spared Rick Simpleton who thinks that the election should be about family values: strengthening the family and forcing gays who are legally married to divorce. 

Rich Lowry of the National Review said this about Simple Rick:

Santorum can come across like the Saturday Night Live version of Tim Tebow, who is so overeager when Jesus visits the Denver Broncos locker room that even his Lord and Savior asks him to “take it down a notch.” Santorum will always be a ripe political target. Few politicians, though, have his credibility as a champion of people who refuse to learn how to let go.

Lowry went on to suggest that Santorum survived the primary because he flew under the radar and was the last man left standing. 

It's actually not quite that simple. Simple Rick hit all the IA counties in a pickup truck and has great political skills for a Boy Scout and is able to answer questions on a one on one basis with people who attend his rallies. His political style is similar to Obama's.

But Rick Simpleton has yet to be vetted and attacked by the other candidates. Now with his virtual tie with the Mittens android, his party is over. 

Santorum has said many stupid things over the years. He will either have to recant these comments and be viewed as a flip flopper or run with them. Either way, Rightrdia  sees his candidacy as doomed. The YouTube video should make it clear why we believe this:

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