
Thursday, January 5, 2012

WIN: Obama makes some recess appointments at At NLRB and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau


By Doug Cunningham 
President Obama Wednesday used recess appointments to fill positions on the National Labor Relations Board. Sharon Block, Terence F. Flynn and Richard Griffin were appointed to the board. Senate Republicans had blocked confirmation of the president’s NLRB board members. The president has the power to appoint his nominees when Congress is in recess. Obama also used recess appointment for Richard Cordray to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka commended Obama’s NLRB appointments and said it ensures that crucially important agencies protecting workers and consumers are not shut down by Republican obstructionism.
By Doug Cunningham 
President Obama used recess appointments to fill positions on the National Labor Relations Board.

Sharon Block, Terence F. Flynn and Richard Griffin were appointed to the board. Senate Republicans had blocked confirmation of the president’s NLRB board members.

The president has the power to appoint his nominees when Congress is in recess. Obama also used recess appointment for Richard Cordray to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

AFL-CIO President Rich Trumka commended Obama’s NLRB appointments and said it ensures that crucially important agencies protecting workers and consumers are not shut down by Republican obstructionism.

However, Obama is having trouble confirming judges. 

The Alliance for Justice shows that the GOP’s obstructionism is unprecedented.
[T]he Senate confirmed fewer of [Obama's] district and circuit nominees than every president back to Jimmy Carter, and the lowest percentage of nominees – 58% – than any president in American history at this point in a President’s first term. By comparison, Presidents George W. Bush, Clinton, George H.W. Bush, Reagan and Carter had 77%, 90%, 96%, 98%, and 97% of their nominees confirmed after two years, respectively.
source: and Workers Independent News

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