
Monday, November 14, 2011

RNC claims it doesn't favor the rich

The Obama-McCain tax table proposals in the 2008 election

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus defended the GOP.  He said the GOP does not only  favor the rich.  Rather Republicans are out to create jobs and cut taxes for people of all income levels.Priebus added on CNN’s "State of the Union:

Of course the party doesn’t favor the rich, but what the party does favor is reducing taxes on every single American out there, Making sure Washington is focused then on job creation, on cutting spending, on reducing the size of government -- these are things that will spur the economy and these are things that are cornerstone to the Republican Party.

A recent CBS/New York Times poll showed that 69 percent of Americans believe Republican policies favor the rich. Nine  percent believe they help the middle class.

The Washington Post tax tables make it clear that the two political parties tax policies are miles apart and that the GOP had planned to give the affluent more juicy tax cuts if McCain had been elected.

The GOP does, in fact, favor the rich and big Fortune 500 corporations. It has been that way since the late 1800s.

However, be also aware that the Obama tax tables were hollow promises. The Bush tax cuts are still in effect and likely to be made permanent by the Congressional Super Committee.

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