
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Republicans are detached from political reality

The GOP candidates are not resonating with the public. Part of the problem is the internal conflict between the country club Republicans represented by Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and Rick Santorum and the Tea Party candidates like Herman Cain, Rick Perry and Michelle Bachmann.

Romney is talking like a hawk and wants the Bush evil defense empire back. Never mind that Bush increased the defense budget by 40 per cent since 911 in 2004. 

Romney wants to slash $500 billion from the federal budget from the nation's entitlement programs.

Romney  said he would lower the cost of Social Security by increasing the eligibility age for benefits, He thought he could achieve tens of billions of dollars in savings by capping the cost of Medicaid, which provides medical care to the poor.

Romney didn't say a word about the bloated defense budget. 

Then there is Herman Cain's and Rick Perry tax plans. Perry's plan is a simple rehash of Mike Huckabee's "Fair Tax." Both are regressive and would raise taxes for working Americans. Predictably, the affluent would greatly benefit from these flawed tax plans.

More important, cutting taxes will not get America out of this financial quagmire. The last time we had such a meltdown in the US, FDR raised taxes on the most well-to-d0 Americans. G.W  Bush , of course, started two middle east wars without raising taxes. 

Then there is the Catholic moron, Rick Santorum, who wants to make the election about family values and morals. He thinks a federal amendment that defines marriage as between a man and a women will cure the nations ills..

Clearly, the GOP vision for America is parochial and seeped with class war ideology. 

This slate of Republican candidates are duds.

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