
Friday, October 21, 2011

WIN: CWA, Occupy Wall Street To March In NYC Against Verizon Corporate Greed


By Doug Cunningham
By Doug Cunningham
On Friday the Communications Workers of America and Occupy Wall Street will march against corporate greed at Verizon. The march begins at Freedom Plaza in New York City. Forty-five thousand workers are trying to bargain a fair contract at Verizon, which the CWA says is the poster child for corporate greed. James Burgund is with CWA Local 1109.
[Bergund]: “We're out here leafleting the Verizon wireless store. We believe that the working class are under attack nationwide. And we believe it's important to bring our message to the street and to the people and to the public and  let them know."
Verizon made $22.5 billion in profits over the last two years and got a $1.3 billion federal corporate income tax rebate. They still want to eliminate pensions, pile thousands of dollars in higher health care costs on workers, cut sick time and do away with job security.

On Friday the Communications Workers of America and Occupy Wall Street will march against corporate greed at Verizon. 

The march begins at Freedom Plaza in New York City. Forty-five thousand workers are trying to bargain a fair contract at Verizon, which the CWA says is the poster child for corporate greed. James Burgund is with CWA Local 1109.

Bergund said: 

We're out here leafleting the Verizon wireless store. We believe that the working class are under attack nationwide. And we believe it's important to bring our message to the street and to the people and to the public and let them know.

Verizon made $22.5 billion in profits over the last two years and got a $1.3 billion federal corporate income tax rebate. They still want to eliminate pensions, pile thousands of dollars in higher health care costs on workers, cut sick time and do away with job security.

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