
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Onion videos have tanked

Rigthtardia used to find a couple of videos a week frim the Onion that were great.

However, since the content was revised after they hired Brooke Alavez (Suzanne Sena), the videos have declined.

The Sport's Zone was a bust and we haven't seen Today Now for quite a while which was our favorite show.

Today Now!was a parody of morning lifestyle and news programs such as NBC's Today show and ABC's Good Morning America

Tracy Toth of Today Now!

It was Hosted by Jim Haggerty (in actuality, former New York City TV anchor Brad Holbrook) and Tracy Gill (portrayed by Tracy Toth), The deadpan humor and satire were great,

The Onion needs to get back to basics or hire some new writers, or get the old writers back. The videos are no longer funny! The Onion needs to do more political satire. 

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