
Wednesday, June 8, 2011 Is Sesame Street Pushing a Liberal Bias?

Conservative author Ben Shapiro's new book claims Hollywood, and shows like Sesame Street, have a not-so-secret liberal agenda.

The entertainment industry, in general, attracts innovative people with cutting edge ideas.Most conservatives are too boring and predictable to make it in this industry unless they have a corporate drone position. 

Oh sure, there are exceptions like conspiracy conservatives, Charlie Sheen, B-actor Ronald Reagan and the NRA gun net, Charlton "My cold dead hands" Heston. 

Is multiculturalism a liberal idea? We think multiculturalism has been a fact of life in the US for along time. 

Americans like to think of the US as big melting pot, but ethnic neighborhoods have been the reality for the last century or longer according to sociological studies. 


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