
Monday, June 20, 2011

AP: Obama impersonator hits too close to home for GOP

Reggie Brown got the hook at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans.

Republican organizers escorted comedian Reggie Brown from the stage after he parodied some GOP hopefuls.

He mocked both Mitt Romney and Tim Pawlenty and mentioned Obomneycare. That's what got him the boot. 

Reggie Brown is one of the best impersonators we have seen and he would stayed on the stage at a Democratic event. Watch for him on late night TV  rounds.

Rightrardia wants to hear his version of this story. 

Of course, Democrats are more tolerant. Black comedians have been using racially tinged material for years. No one should have been surprised by the material Brown was using. 

Republicans need to grow a pair and stop being the thin skinned party of political correctness.

The Democrats should hire this young man to do his routine at their next convention and show America that they are the bigger party "who can take a joke."

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