
Monday, June 20, 2011

Haaretz: Jonathan Pollard not allowed to attend father's funeral

Jonathan and Anne Pollard
The White House on Monday rejected requests to allow convicted spy Jonathan Pollard to attend his father's funeral in Indiana.
Pollard's father, Morris Pollard, passed away on Saturday at the age of 95. He was buried in South Bend, Indiana, without his son present.
When Rightrdia posted the original story, Pollard's father was in Israel. Apparently, the body was transported to the US for burial. 
Righatrdia supports the White House decision. Jonathan Pollard committed serous espionage crimes against the US on behalf of Israel.  He was convicted in 1987 and Israel has been trying to get him released ever since. 
As part of the plea deal, his accomplice wife, Anne, was eventually allowed to emigrate to Israel. She was hardly repentant and considers her husband a "political prisoner" which is rubbish
Pollard's wife, Anne, was sentenced to five years in prison but received parole after three and a half years. At the end of Anne's parole, she emigrated to Israel. 
Jonathan divorced Anne, since he believed he was going to be jailed for the remainder of his life and wanted to free Anne from the marriage. 
source: Haaretz and Wikipedia

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