
Monday, June 20, 2011

Rick Perry's Quote of the Week

Texas Gov. Rick Perry spoke today at the Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans.

(The) Left 'Never Going to Like Us, So Let's Stop Trying to Curry Favor With Them.'

Perry is right and wrong. 

First, the right has not been making much effort  to curry favor with Democrats or progressives. Right wing rhetoric is often inflammatory and this is very apparent on Talk Radio and Fox News.

In fact, Perry has talked about secession which is sedition. Who does he think he is kidding? 

But he is right that those on the left have little use for backward and dated conservative ideas. Progressives have little interest in communicating with conservative on political issues because in most cases, they just lack the cognitive and moral development to "get it." 

This is a reference to Lawrence Kohlbegs' Theory of Moral Development. 

Is the right known for compromise? Hardly, many have a 'my way or the highway" mentality and rightards don't want to be confused with the facts. 

Many right wingers are anti-intellectual and assume anything that comes out of a university, the government or a think tank is false. 

Many conservatives buy into simplistic arguments that tax cuts will fix all the ails the US. 

The right wing even attacks the "fact factory" Wikipedia as being left -wing. 

The founder is Wikipedia, Jimmy wales is a center-right Libertairan of sorts. 

Much of the impetus for right wing thinking is based on traditional conventional views and religion. For a long time fundamentalists have been trying to set up a business community that caters to like minded religious nuts. Perry is certainly one of these people. So if Rick Scott, the governor of Florida. 

These leaders don't just reject progressive and liberal ideas, they often reject main stream ideas and the news if it contradicts their alternative reality.

The r ight would prefer to live in an alternative universe in which the confederates won the civil war, blacks and Hispanics are staying in their place,  gays and lesbians are suppressed, there were no labor unions, everyone goes to church, says the pledge of allegiance every day and maintains a happy face.

Sorry, but "The Leave it to Beaver" World of the 1950s is long gone!

The reality is that the Red States lag behind the other states in numerous ways: life expectancy, lower wages, higher teen pregnancy, higher venereal disease, more obesity, and lower life span. The Red States are recipient states that receive more from the federal government in taxes than they contribute. 

When Rush Limbaugh talks about those 40 per cent of Americans who don't pay taxes, most of them live in the Red States. 

The Red States conservative leaders extol conservative/corporate values that are hardly a model for the rest of the nation. In many respects, the Red States have pulled the rest of the nation down. 

Of course, when you live in a conservative bubble, You cannot be confused with the facts.

Rick Perry certainly isn't!

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