
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hysterical Raisins: Trump the Insult dog and his carnival road show

Paul Harris at the Mail & Guardian online:

The Las Vegas strip was the setting for the Donald Trump carnival roadshow to end up in last week.

Amid the garish neon of the gigantic Treasure Island Casino, the real estate tycoon turned-reality TV star-turned-potential Republican presidential candidate made his latest stop.

Speaking at an event called The Reagan Revolution: From Ronald to Donald, Trump made his pitch to an audience of Nevada Republican country club Republicans and onlookers in one of the key early-voting states in the nomination process.

In the casino’s ballroom, which featured an ice statue of himself, Trump gave a virtuoso performance that was full of braggadocio and littered with expletives. He said:

Our leaders are stupid, they are stupid people.
 He also referred to the Chinese government as “motherfuckers” against whom he’d raise trade tariffs.

Just what America needs: A Wall Street bull in the international China shop! 

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