
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Intenet Weekly Report: Atlas Barked, Part 1.

The Ayn Rand movie adaptation of Atlas Shrugged was released with little fanfare. This B-movie has received few favorable reviews and features a cast of little known actors. John Aglialoro, is the producer of "Atlas Shrugged: Part I."

The Major read both the Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged many years ago and it seemed to center around conflicts between organizations and brilliant individuals like the protagonist architect who transcended organizations who tried to drag his genius down. 

The Soviets  were at the height of their power in Europe so both Rand books were anti-collectivist. Unfortunately for Rand, Betty Frieden who wrote The Feminine Mystique, was far more popular with women on college campuses. Rightradia doubts that Part 2 of the Atlas Shrugged will ever be produced. 

Rand is considered the mother of the modern libertarian movement in the US, but only about 2 per cent of Americans call themselves libertarians. The Tea Party uses a lot of libertarian rhetoric, but according to Gallu the 17 per cent favoroability of the 112th Congress suggests how mainstream libertarians are.

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