
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Ria Novosti: Western warplanes bomb civilian targets, oil depots in Libya

RIA NovostiImage via Wikipedia

23:59 19/03/2011

CAIRO, March 19 (RIA Novosti)  Western warplanes are bombing civilian targets in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, the Libyan Al Jamahiriya satellite TV channel said on Saturday.

Other Libyan media reported that oil depots near the city of Misrat were pounded. "The whole region is in jeopardy of fires," the Libyan news agency Jana said.

On Thursday the UN Security Council adopted a resolution on Libya. Paris has taken the leading role in coordinating the world's response to the tumult. U.S., British and French military have all launched strikes against Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi.

Around 20 French Rafale and Mirage warplanes were sent to patrol the skies over the city of Benghazi. Since the beginning of the attack, the French aviation has destroyed four government tanks in the neighborhoods of the rebellious city.

British forces are in action over Libya, Prime Minister David Cameron has confirmed. Speaking after an emergency Cobra meeting, Cameron said the action being taken by international forces was "necessary, legal and right". "Gaddafi has made this happen."

A U.S. warship has fired over 100 Tomahawk cruise missiles at Gaddafi's air defense sites, U.S. Admiral William Gortney said. The U.S. operation is named "Odyssey Dawn".

Countries including Canada, Denmark, Spain and Norway have sent jets to Libya, while Italy said it would permit the use of airbases such as Sigonella in Sicily and Aviano in the north to launch strikes.
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