
Saturday, March 19, 2011

Media Matters: Beck Upset Obama Didn’t Act On Libya -- Then, 20 Seconds Later, Upset That He Did

March 18, 2011 9:30 pm ET by Terry Krepel

No matter what President Obama does regarding Libya, it seems, Glenn Beck is determined to bash him for it.

On today’s edition of his Fox News show, Beck said of Libya, “If I would have told you a year ago that France would lead -- that France would be the one that says, ‘You know what? I’m tired of waiting around. We’ll send our planes, and we’ll bomb.’ And America would say, [crying noise]. Would you have believed that a year ago?”

Then, exactly 20 seconds later, Beck said: “

America is involved in the third front. If I would have told you four weeks ago that America may now be involved in a war -- in a third war in a third Muslim country in the Middle East, would you have believed me? I believe I did say words similar to that right over there, that it would sweep, destabilize, and drag us all down. We’re in a third war, a third front. God help us all if it all boils over in Libya.

Rightardia thinks that Obama handled the Libyan crises correctly.We could have run in where angels fear to tread and alienated the entire Arab world.  Libya is fundamentally a European/NATO issue rather than a US issue

We could have taken leadership and spent a boatload of money like we do when we have a Republicans president. Rightardia salutes the president for showing restraint and working with the the EU and NATO behind the scenes.

Beck' reversal on Libya is an example of sophistry. A sophism is a specious argument used for deceiving someone.

A sophist will take any convenient position to win an argument and a sophist has no central political philosophy.

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