
Friday, March 4, 2011

Iowa Rep. Steve King Steve King Says "Growing Dependency Class" Is "Not As Productive" As The Rich

March 03, 2011 4:31 pm ET — Salvatore Colleluori 

 Michele Bachmann and her love child, Steven King

Last night on the House floor, Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) discussed his view on those he calls the "dependency class."
KING: They [Pelosi and Obama] were working on their vision of America which is transfer payments, tax the rich, transfer those payments to other people that aren't as fortunate, or I—I'll say not as productive, they may not be as fortunate.
While this is going on, the deficit was growing, a dependency class was growing and that was what was going on . . .
King is evoking Reagan's "welfare queen" image which is  disproved stereotype.  King believes those who depend on the federal government are lazy and choose to receive federal assistance.
King also referred to the affluent as the most productive members of society which at best could be described as a GOP value judgement.
Yet, one in six American lives in poverty and until recently the GOP had never extended their  welfare rhetoric to the unemployed. Unemployment compensation is actually an earned benefit an employee receives from his or her employer.

Some of these citizens in his own state include:

The 6.3 percent of Iowans who are currently unemployed because of the financial collapse and sluggish economic recovery.

The 6.8 percent of Iowa workers who are paid at or below minimum wage, who may not have the choice to get a better paying job.

The farmers in King's congressional district that received $216,634,812 in federal USDA farm subsidies in 2009, the 12th highest in the country.

The 513,929 Iowa senior citizens in 2010 dependent upon the federal government for Medicare.

See the rest of the article an a video of King at

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