
Monday, February 7, 2011

PolitiFact Florida: Miami-Dade, Broward rule the country in Medicaid fraud

State Rep. Ron Saunders, the Democratic minority leader from Key West, has identified a costly problem in South Florida--Medicaid fraud. Saunders said during a legistaltive sesion:

The two worst counties for fraud in the country -- not state -- are Dade and Broward county.

Politifact rated the Saunder's statement mostly true.

Rightardia wonders if grifter -Governor rick Scott will ever address the fraud since the corporation he founded--HCA--was also involved in Medicare fraud?

Rightardia thinks Scott will look the other way because he thinks Florida corporations are faultless and Florida problems are caused by the government.

We would agree with that many of the problems in Florida are caused by the state government because the GOP has been running the state for the past 12 years and we have another four years of Republican Rick Scott to look forward to. 

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