
Monday, February 21, 2011

Kill the bill and recall Walker

Amanda Terkel

MADISON, WS -- Gov. Scott Walker's (R-Wis.) controversial bill to strip away collective bargaining rights from public employees is currently stalled. This is due to Senate Democrats who left the state in order to prevent their GOP colleagues from reaching a quorum needed to move forward.

In an interview with The Huffington Post , freshmen Democratic Assembly Member Brett Hulsey said they're trying to put as much grassroots pressure as possible on Republicans.

"What we're telling people is to call people you know in Republican districts," said Hulsey. "Tell them to call their senators and Republican members at home. When you see them at church and at the grocery store, tell them to kill the bill."

The second strategy will come only if Republicans decide to stick with Walker. According to Wisconsin law, voters can recall any elected official in the state, as long as they've been in office for at least a year.

This process involves collecting signatures for a recall position and then holding an election. ThinkProgress' Ian Millhiser has reported, there are eight Republicans who could currently be recalled.

"We've seen what happens when Scott Walker and the Republicans have total control: You get dictatorial power," said Hulsey."

Recall Walker" is a popular chant amongst protesters in Madison, although Walker just took office in 2011 and therefore cannot be recalled until next year.

Florida has the same problem, but no recall law to fall back on. State Representative Democrat Rick Kriseman (D-Pinellas) is introducing a bill that will allow for the recall of state officials including the grifter-governor, Rick Scott.

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