
Monday, February 21, 2011

WIN: Wisconsin compared with Pittston mine strike


Friday also saw Madison welcome AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, Workers Independent News had the opportunity to sit down with Trumka and ask him his thoughts on what he was seeing in Wisconsin:

We've been docile for too long and for 30 years they've been pushing us, taking away our wages, taking away our benefits, sending jobs overseas. Doing everything they can to cripple the middle class. 

So this has been invigorating. 

The last time I saw anything like this was when I was President of the Mineworkers. We had a strike in Pittston, probably the last place where we've ever taken over a facility. 

It just started growing because people belived in it and that fight was over healthcare for retirees and widows. We had a 15 month strike, not a single one of the miners crossed the picket line, and we just had support that started growing. 

Small business people, everybody came out because they knew if they could take out healthcare they could take everybody's and that's what's happening here.
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