
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Right wing let the Rightardia genie out of the bottle

Rightrdia had been getting repectable ratings form both Netcraft and Alexa for the past year. Our current Netcraft rating is steady at 6458 and our Alexa rating has been dramitically dropping.

Our three month Alexa worldwide rating is 466,467 and for the last month: 260.495.

Our three month rating in the US is 67,958.  About 28% of visits to this site consist of only one pageview (i.e., are bounces). Visitors to view 8.8 unique pages each day on average. Alexa  estimates that 81% of visitors to the site come from the US.

Since we publish 10 articles per page, out readers spend a lot time on the Righardia site. We publish five to ten articles per day and cross post links to about five per day on Usenet.

Our writers are real journalists and we follow journalistic conventions to the best of out ability. We are doing some innovative cross posting with the St. Petersburg Times, a wonderful progressive newspaper.

We now have some demographic data, too. Most of our readers are male and we have a mix of people with and without children. We are greatly over-represented by people with graduate degrees and under-represented by people who didn't go to college. This is an an interesting mix of readers, for sure!

Our readership greatly increased when we started being attacked by right wing operatives on Usenet. We started receiving threatening phone calls and one Usenet right wing poster even threatened to attack Rightardia. 

We were also smeared with a porno attack that directed our viewers to unseemly porn sites. Wingnuts have also tried to suggest we are a gay blog when actually we just support the human rights of gays and straights.

This must be the cost of being a loud voice in the progressive community. There are people on the right that would like to silence our voice. These attacks from the right have just made us stronger and more resolute.

Some people just can't handle the truth!

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Netcraft rank: 6458

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