
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Lisa Murkowski: A realistic approach to America's problems

 The Tea Party Slayer's victim, Joe Miller

Here are Senator Lisa Murkowski's, the Tea Party Slayer's  comments, from an interview with Alaska's KTVA (transcript from The Wonk Room):

MURKOWSKI: I don't believe that there are votes sufficient in the Senate to repeal health care reform....

We're in this situation where there is some messaging going on ...

The real question is how much time do we as a Congress spend on this messaging? We've got a situation where our economy continues to be in the tank, the longest extended period of high unemployment since World War II. ...

As important as making sure that we're reining in our health care costs -- spending a lot of time on the messaging vote? I don't think that's what the American public wants us to do. ... I don't think what people want is kind of the messaging that's going on.

source: The Huffington Post

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