
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

WIN: Social Security Experts say No Cuts Are Necessary To Keep It Solvent

The fate of Social Security continues to be a hot issue and advocates of the government program are focusing a great deal of their fire at the President.

Jesse Russell reports:

Waiting to hear how President Barack Obama addresses Social Security during his State of the Union address tonight will have many advocates of the program at the edge of their seats. Former Connecticut Representative Barbara Kennelly with the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare said during a conference call Monday that slashing the program is unnecessary.

Kennelly: We don’t have to cut Social Security to be fiscally responsible. Cutting Social Security benefits for future generations will do absolutely nothing to resolve our current fiscal crisis. The American people understood and that’s why they’ve said repeatedly and clearly that they do not support cutting social security benfits.

Eric Kingson is with the Strengthen Social Security Campaign and he said public opinion has consistently shown strong support of Social Security.

Kingson: Social Security works. There is nothing that provides more secure protection against lost wages when people retire, when people are disabled, or when a parent or spouse dies. 70-80 percent of the public across all political dimensions say they do not want to see social security cut.

Rightrdia agrees. Tinkering with cuts to Social Security will push more Americans on welfare or Social Security disability which is even more expensive. Privatization efforts have failed in other counties like the UK.

The collective security of American seniors is dependent upon this program. Social Security has nothing nothing to do with the financial or mortgage crises that has befallen America during the Bush recession.

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