
Monday, October 18, 2010

Mario Piperni dot Com: Book Review

Mario Piperni dot Com
Sam Harris’ new book “The Moral Landscape: How Science Can Determine Human Values” is on my reading list. Here is his take on why he believes science is better suited to deal with questions of morality than religion.

Religion fails because it separates questions of right and wrong and good and evil from the actual reality of human and animal suffering.

The Catholic Church is more concerned about preventing contraception than preventing child rape; it’s more concerned about preventing gay marriage than genocide.

This is a real inversion of priorities that completely falsifies any discussion of morality in the church. The moment you’ve linked morality to the well-being of conscious creatures, you see that the practices of the church don’t maximize human well-being.

The church is as confused in talking about morality as it would be in the physics of the transubstantiation.

They could use the word “physics” over and over again, the same way they use the words “morality” and “values,” but no physicist would be obligated to take them seriously, and I’m arguing that no serious conversation about morality can include the priorities of the church.

The problem with religion is that many of its moral values are frozen in time. Can we really make moral judgments with 1000 year old or older lessons from the past? 

Daughter Babylon, doomed to destruction...
Happy are those who seize your infants
and dash them against the rocks
(Psalms 137:8-9)

Paul in his letter to the Romans, did not include infanticide in his list of sins. Infanticide was a common practice in both Greece and Rome and parents had the right to kill their children for just about any reason. The New Testament is also silent on abortion.

So the Catholic church's view on abortion would have to be described as modern views rather than based on scripture. Although Rightrdia does not condone abortion, we do believe the mother should have this choice.

It is interesting to hear the GOP condemning abortion and promising to make it illegal; and then on the other hand suggesting there is too much government regulation.Rightardia thinks Republicans have a different standard for corporations than it has for people.

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