
Monday, October 18, 2010

Homer Simpson is Catholic

Google Translate: The Virtues of Aristotle e la ciambella di Homer (Homer and the Donut)
di Luca M. Luke M. Possati Possati

Because this is one of the most important writings to come out of the Vatican is the last century, we translated it for our readers.

Tender, irreverent, scandalous, and ironic, ramshackle and profound, philosophical and at times even theological synthesis of crazy pop culture and warm and nihilistic American middle class. On them has been said and written about anything and everything, but some of the tribes of the yellow faces do not forget easily. You love them or you hate them, Homer J. Simpson and his distraught family have left their mark, and not only in the small world of cartoons.

Because, perhaps, without the legendary exclamation "D'oh!" Fat Homer with beer "Duff" in his hand - perhaps sitting at the bar at Moe's losing time - without the misadventures of her children, the unrepentant Bart and Lisa Saputelli ecologist, without the endless nagging of his wife, desperate housewife and azzurrocrinita Marge, and without the legendary Carthusian sure! "Ned hated bigot "Neddy" Flanders, perhaps without all the shameless mediocrity of the inhabitants of Springfield (Kentucky?), today many would not know funny.

By exactly two decades (dating back to the television debut on Fox in December 1989) the phenomenon Simpson rages on television around the world: the United States - where they were born thanks to the pencil of the cartoonist Matt Groening - Europe, from Russia to China to the Middle East. Homer & Company 

Homer & Company have cleared through customs, the cartoon from being a product for children, opening to a wealth of unexpected public. A success sealed by 23 Emmy Awards, so that in 1999 Time magazine called it "the best television series of the century" and, in the same issue of the magazine, Bart was included in the list of 100 most influential people in the world (the 46th site). The year after, donuts Springfield conquered a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

The rigid censors off the TV, but the most serious analysts praised the realism and understanding of texts, though often attacked - and rightly so - the language too raw and the violence of certain episodes, or sometimes extreme choices of the writers.

Do not miss the complaints are then in Russia, China, Japan, Venezuela, Argentina, Great Britain. Rumors that had echoes even at higher levels: in 2001 three very serious American philosophers have to press the ponderous volume The Simpsons and Philosophy (Chicago, Open Court, 2001, pagine 256, dollari 17,95) n

The Simpsons and Philosophy (Chicago, Open Court, 2001, 256 pages, USD 17.95) in which - with the use of analytical tools borrowed from Kant, Marx and Barthes - Bart is associated with Nietzsche's ideal man Marge and nihilistic to the Aristotelian concept of virtue.

There are also sociological readings or "scientist" of the series, like the one attempted by the journalist Mark Malaspina science of Simpson.

Because of the many issues that come into play in the life of carefree community of Springfield to God, and the relationship between man and God, is one of the most important (and most serious).

The endless sermons of Reverend Lovejoy Gospel - which correspond to regularly sleep in the pews of Homer in the front row - the naive radicalism of Flanders and his sons manic biblical scholars, to the monologues of the protagonists that are aimed directly to the Almighty.

Although, in keeping with the style of the series, there are references to the sharp religious and spiritual confusion of our times, like when Homer in a panic asks: "But Marge, and if we had chosen the wrong religion? Every week we would do God only become more furious. "

Mirror with indifference and the need for the modern man feels towards the sacred, Homer finds his last refuge in God, although sometimes it spectacularly wrong name: "Usually I'm not a religious man, but if you you're up there, save me Superman ... ".

Path errors, because in reality the two know each other well.

In one episode, while her house is burning and is threatened by the demons Springfield, Homer decides to ask his audience to him in the clouds An escalator leads him to his office, where he stands, on display on the desk, the words: I Believe in Me.

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