
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bill Maher is back!

Bill Maher recaps the summer of 2010 in the first "Real Time" broadcast since the show's summer hiatus.

The comedian observed the "amazing advances in the field of racism" that dominated the season.

From Andrew Breitbart's edited clip of a former USDA employee "admitting" to reverse racism, to Dr. Laura Schlessinger's n-word rant (and Palin's subsequent support), Maher points out the most racist headlines.

Also high on Maher's list: Glenn Beck's exploitation of Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech. 

Maher said,  "Someone had to point out that white people have been getting the short end of the stick for too long. Like with jobs. Black people are always first in line with all the jobs. Are you seriously telling me that they couldn't find a white Karate Kid?

And that Glenn Beck is the heir to Martin Luther King? You know, I have a dream too: one day all Americans will stop buying anything Glenn Beck says."

Rightrardia is glad to be able to post Maher's humor again. HBO cut off his videos that contained embeds and then Maher stopped updating his blog. Rightardia stopped featuring him at that point.

We hope to feature more of Maher's material. He is one of a kind.

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