
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Bill Clinton fires back at Rachel Maddow

Bill Clinton Strikes Back At Rachel Maddow

Bill Clinton took exception with comments Rachel Maddow made last March.

One of the leading television commentators on one of our liberal cable channels said I was the best Republican president the country ever produced, which would come [as] quite a surprise to the Republicans, half of whom still think I'm a closet communist," Clinton said, according to Politico.

Maddow had said, "What we ended up with is what we ended with, in my opinion, is the two terms of the Clinton administration, which is that Bill Clinton was probably the best Republican president the country ever had, if you look at the policies that he passed."

Maddow made the comment during a segment about how President Obama had been moving to the right on health care and expressed her worries that Obama's presdicncy was starting to look like the Clinton one. 

If the Republicans retake the House which is likely, Obama will likely follow in Clinton's footstep and become a Blue Dog Democratic president like Clinton.
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