
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Rick Scott's latest irrelevant ad--Obama's mosque

Wonkette has made the same observations about Rick Scott that Rightaridia has.

Scott seems to think he is running against President Obama. In fact, he opened his campaign by attacking the Obama health care plan.

As the former CEO of (Columbia) HCA, his position on health care was no surprise.  

“It’s about truth,” says Scott in the ad. “The truth – Muslim fanatics murdered thousands of innocent Americans on 9/11 just yards from the proposed mosque.” (“Just yards” is a new one.) 

The ad closes addressing Pres. Barack Obama directly: “Mr. President, Ground Zero is the wrong place for a mosque.”

This ad absolutely nothing to do with Florida issues such as unemployment. the gulf coast oil spill or education. Scott is simply trying to use the 'controversy' for political gain.

And certainly Rick Scott, the multimillionaire businessman, is using national issues in his Florida campaign.  Wonkette  notes that few of Scott’s Florida ads relate directly to his own state. Also, the hyperlink to “educating Florida’s workforce” doesn’t work.

Why is this? It is because the GOP has controlled Florida politics for the past 12 years and the record is not good.  Intangible taxes which mainly effect the affluent were cut and tax revenues got so low that schools had to be closed and teachers, fire fighters and police laid off.

Republican law makers even tried to do away with Florida public school tenure which would have caused a mass exodus of teachers. Fortunately, newly independent governor Charlie Crist vetoed the bill.

But the more absurd issue here is the title of the ad: “Obama’s Mosque.” It could have very easily said “Obama is wrong about the mosque” or “Ground Zero Mosque” – but it did not.

Scott called it Obama’s Mosque in the irrelevant ad, and implied that President Obama is a Muslim.

The latest poll we looked at shows Scott trailing  Bill McCollum by 12 points.

Smarter politicians would have been less obvious about it. Of course, Scott is not really a politician. He is a wannabe.

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