
Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Marianne Gingrich: Newt Gingrich fell into a funk, feeling he'd failed as a visionary . . .

Newt was at the height of his power, and Marianne was not a happy camper.

She was trying to give up smoking, "I keep quitting and starting again," she said. (Esquire writer John Richardson notes she chain-smoked her way through her interview with him.)

As Newt's world expanded, there wasn't much room for a small-town Ohio girl like Marianne Ginther, who wanted to be taken seriously but whose ambition fell short of her husband's.

In 1984, when House Republicans picked up only 14 seats riding President Ronald Reagan's 49-state victory, Newt Gingrich fell into a funk, feeling he'd failed as a visionary and putting the odds on his marriage surviving at 53 to 47, explaining that Marianne, unlike himself,

(Marianne Gingrich) "doesn't gear up every morning to be a Viking -- I mean, that's not her world."


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