
Friday, July 16, 2010

Politico: Good riddance to establishment GOP
By RICHARD A. VIGUERIE | 7/16/10 4:26 AM EDT | AP
Richard A. Viguerie says Bob Inglis and like-minded Republicans have passively, and actively, contributed to big government.

Rep. Bob Inglis (R-S.C.) who just lost by 42 points in his primary, recently said to that the “fear-driven conservative movement . . . will ultimately die out and cost the party dearly unless leaders resist the ‘demagoguery’ and ‘misinformation’ of its figureheads.”

According to conservative ratings, Inglis had been good on legislative votes. So you’d think, instead of insulting his base, he’d be saying this White House has raised demagoguery and misinformation to new levels.

Legislative vote ratings, however, don’t measure one's leadership or humility.

The piece goes on to say that Inglis “believes a majority of Republicans in Congress think similarly . . . They . . . are afraid to speak out because ‘hot’ voices in television and radio talks shows have the microphone and are driving angry voters.”

But it’s Inglis — and like-minded Republicans — who make people angry. They have shown no leadership in attempting to fix what is wrong with Washington.

They have passively, and actively, contributed to big government — which accounts for their abysmal 20 per cetn approval ratings (Gallup).

Americans, particularly conservatives, are angry because of the corruption in Washington. When Republicans controlled the White House and both chambers of Congress, there was individual and institutional corruption.

But most Republican incumbents have yet to demonstrate they will change what was wrong.

Republicans created the K Street project which forced lobbyists to pony up money. They use other people’s money through earmarks to get themselves re-elected.

They ignore the Constitution. They created big-government programs — like expanding federal control of education through No Child Left Behind, the TARP bailouts and the 2003 prescription drug benefit.

Those are just some of many examples of things that Republicans were supposed to prevent from happening.

Rightardia comment:  The Reagan revolution was built upon Southern racism. When Lydon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act, most of the Dixiecrats left the party and became Republican.

However, the US is becoming browner and by 2016 according to the US Census Burau, the US will neither have a majority of white or Christian Americans.

The GOP, has never been known for change and it is retreating to the foul line in right field where it cannot win elections. If the GOP does not move to the center, it will become a regional party with permanent minority status.

See the rest of the article at

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