
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Obama oil spill response is a good example of 'limited government'

Many conservatives and independents think the Obama oil spill response was too passive.  The real question is what should the government have done or be doing when when we have have another one these spills?

Should we expand big government and demand that they build a fleet of oil skinmming ships? Should the government develop new technology to prevent or detect oil spills and leaks? Should we crete a new cabinet level position in the Department of the Interior to handle future oil spills?

Rightardia believes the Obama administration did the right thing by making the corporation responsible for the huge oil leak fix it. We also think Obama was smart to get the $20 billion escrow set up  so that BP would not throw in the sponge and declare bankruptcy like a US corporation would. 

We are more than happy to give BP credit for fixing the leak. If Exxon had been involved in the Gulf oil spill, they would have either declared bankruptcy with their executives bailing out with huge golden parachutes; or they would a hired a legion of lawyers to protect the corporation like they did in the Exxon Valdez oil spill.

Obama handled the Gulf Oil spill correctly. It was fortunate Obama was dealing with a Britsh corporation rather than an American one. Our hats are off to both  the president and the CEO of BP, Tony Hayward. 

Rightardia hope Hayward takes care of the little people who have been devastated by the Gulf oil spill. One million people in the Gulf may lose their jobs in the next five years because of the spill and the damage that it has caused to the coast and the fisheries industry.

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