
Saturday, July 17, 2010

Mario Piperni: modernized, reformed conservatism

The real GOP alternatives

David Frum (a “conservative with balls” as Stephen Colbert referred to him) is guest posting for Andrew Sullivan.  He asked Sullivan’s readers as well as his own at FrumForum to make improvements to a “modernized, reformed conservatism”.

Canadian-born right-wing pundit David Frum was fired by the American Enterprise Institute. "His exit . . . "stage Left (excuse the pun) comes when he has the audacity (Republicans hate that word) to admit that maybe some of the rhetoric from the Raging Right has been self defeating thus far —with worrying that it probably isn’t about to get any better."

Frum savaged the overblown rhetoric and fear mongering of most Republicans.

Frum is a moderate Republican who has lost popularity with the wingnut base that has increasingly moved toward the foul line in right filed already inhabited by Dittoheads and Fox and Friends.

David’s description:

A reality-based, culturally modern, socially inclusive and environmentally responsible politics that supports free markets, limited government and a peaceful American-led world order.

He notes that by “socially inclusive” he means that “Republicans and conservatives needed to pay more attention to the economic interests of the less affluent”.  That would be a nice change from what we’re getting from modern conservatives.

Some of the suggestions he received:

Meritocracy tempered by compassion.
Free markets with a referee to ensure fair play.
We want the country promised to us by our grade-school social studies textbooks.
Killing bad Muslims with upper-class tax cuts.
Not just for white people any more, we promise!

We like the one about wanting the country promised  to us by our grade-school social studies textbooks. Wingnuts finally seem to be realizing that the realities of conservatism don't conform to The American Dream

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