
Friday, July 16, 2010

Fascist Mickey Mouse poster sparks outrage in Poland

The giant poster, went up in June in the western city of Poznan, just steps from a synagogue. It  is an Italian artist's take on what he calls the "horrors" of the American lifestyle" and is one piece of artwork in a contemporary art exhibition opening in the autumn.

But the reactions show that in Poland, where memories of the suffering inflicted during Nazi rule remain strong, there is little appetite for satirical or artistic uses of images linked to Nazi Germany.

"This art provocation is a form of violence against the sensitivity of many people," said Norbert Napieraj, a city council member who asked prosecutors to ban the poster.

Prosecutors, however, determined that the poster is art and does not violate the country's laws against glorifying Nazism, the Telegraph reported.

American conservatives have been denying for years that American corporatism is just another form of fascism. The right has often tried to blur the distinction between fascism and socialism.

Rightardia understands what the Italian artist is suggesting. In the US we have put a cartoon face on fascism. The nude body represents profane America. When Walt Disney was alive, he was also notoriously antisemitic.

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