
Friday, July 16, 2010

DBKP – Death By 1000 Papercuts exclusive on Taliban monkies

July 16, 2010
By RidesAPaleHorse
notes: Mondo
images: RAPH   
Is the Taliban training a cadre of armed terrorist monkeys to do battle with NATO forces? DBKP has the EXCLUSIVE pix which may blow the cover off this explosive story!

NOTE: Blogger Jeff Schogol, who calls himself “The Rumor Doctor” investigated the monkey terrorist claims.

NATO spokesman Lt. Col. Todd Breasseale told Schogol, “We have absolutely nothing that leads us to believe that this tale could be even remotely based in reality.”

Which made us wonder if the Rumor Doctor or NATO had seen any of our exclusive pix before making their obviously hasty statements?

Is this a case of truth being stranger than fiction?

Or a case of satire being stranger than truth?

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