
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Dangerous Intersection: United corporations of America

By Erich Vieth on July 17th, 2010
Photo by Erich Vieth

As part of the biggest Fourth of July celebration in St. Louis, Missouri, one could see corporate flags waving on the same staffs as American flags, which is apparently exactly where they belong. To me, this arrangement symbolizes the almost complete corporate take-over of the United States.

We’re in an ominous environment right now. We have a thoroughly corrupt Congress (Dick Durbin: “The banks frankly own the place”) and a Supreme Court filled with corporation-idolizing free market fundamentalists.

If you think it’s already bad, here’s what’s about to happen. This upcoming ruling by the United States Supreme Court will make clean money legislation unworkable. Citizens United was apparently just the beginning of a terrible trend.

There are relatively few politicians speaking up with passion. Sheldon Whitehouse is one of the few. We need massive marches across America. We need millions of people to turn off their damned TVs and iPods and get up and march, but I don’t see it happening.

Most of the people I talk with don’t care that money buys elections, even while they go to Fourth of July celebrations and give lip service to “America is the world’s greatest country.”

Rightardia comment: Americans live in a over commercialized society and have forgotten that corporatism and fascism are the same animal. Ad FDR stated:

The liberty of a democracy is not safe if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point where it comes stronger than their democratic state itself. That, in its essence, is fascism - ownership of government by an individual, by a group.

In Europe. the fascists was defeated when World War 2 ended. The US infrastructure never experienced the horrors of a world war. The fascist America Firsters and similar groups were left alive and well in the US.

We now have militias organized around the country that are similar to the SA Brownshirts that brought Hitler to power.  We have a neo-Nazi's patrolling the Arizona border with Mexico and neo-confederates in the South and West that oppose the federal government. The Tea Party movement is fueled by racism against the president.

Is this worrisome? Yes, but it could also be fascism's last gasp in the US. The right wing knows that America is changing and it will no longer be a white or Christian nation by 2016. This may be the beginning of the end for the GOP which will become a regional political party with permanent minority status. It is just a matter of time.

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