
Monday, August 10, 2009

We already have private insurance death panels

We already have private insurance death panels. This was discussed in the movie, 'Sicko.' Most insurance companies will not approve experimental procedures or procedures that extend life one year if the prognosis is not good.

From Joan Walsh at Salon:
I’ve been writing about “town hells” and anti-health care reform hysterics, as well as the crazy Birthers, for a few weeks. Every few days, I think: Maybe we’re giving these fringe folks the oxygen they need; maybe we should ignore them. But it all got even loonier today, and it can’t be ignored.

Alex Koppelman wrote about it immediately: Sarah Palin (or her handlers) posted a message on Facebook decrying the “death panels” she says – wrongly, bizarrely, viciously — Obama’s health care reform will establish. She also claimed such panels might well have ended the life of her son Trig, born with Down’s Syndrome.


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