
Monday, August 10, 2009

Part 2: The Age of Turbulence: Plea for a New Economic Order

Rightardia comment: The reference to the serial number of €5 bank note appears to have the objective of making bank accounts anonymous and invisible to the government. This, of course, could lead to criminal activity such as tax evasion. In fact, the UBS banks used encryption and other security technologies to hide US$20 billion in Switzerland. 

Mr. Hamou seems to be advocating a privacy solution for countering the expansion of the Federal Reserve. We have sent an email to Mr. Hamou asking him to clarify his bank account proposal, but have not yet received a reply. None of our writers pretend to be economists so we invite comments on this article.
Mr Hamou's response: The System is a New Economic Order as opposed to a possible NWO (New World Order.)(with DNA as opposed to our random number.)

We can monitor the transaction not make a discrimination about who you are: we differentiate 'the is' with 'the have.'

If you sell weapons we will know that this account sold weapons and we can disconnect it on the base of what illegal transaction was made.

As far as evading taxes it will be impossible (I will deal with that later).

There is a very wide difference between a DNA and a Serial number of a banknote. The difference is your freedom.

As far as government you must understand that they simply won't have an economy. They can accept ours and go by our rules (respect of privacy and individual freedom) or chose to keep their people in the Liquidity Trap and soon become irrelevant: who wants a government that can't feed its people?

by Shalom P. Hamou

Under Bernanke rule the Federal Reserve System has been transformed in an organization that openly transcends international boundaries, executive powers, legislative powers and judiciary powers:

"I will argue here that, to the contrary, there is much that the Bank of Japan (BOJ), in cooperation with other government agencies, could do to help promote economic recovery in Japan.

Most of my arguments will not be new to the policy board and staff of the BOJ,

However, their responses, when not confused or inconsistent, have generally relied on various technical or legal objections—- objections which, I will argue, could be overcome if the will to do so existed."

The Federal Reserve has become a criminal organization with unprecedented powers. But that is the least of the dangers we are facing.

The Real Danger we Are Facing Now:

The extraordinary power the central bank is putting democracy in danger, and to my opinion that danger is much higher than what people can even envision. These dangers, history tells us, can even be a grave menace to the world security.

Ron Paul by asking to audit the Federal Reserve is making an important point. However, by limiting the scope of his demands to the issue of vested interests, he misses even more important issues that relate to freedom, democracy and even security.

If there is a conspiracy, and I am not saying there is one, I am sure that the bankers are not part of it. They are only, by maximizing their profit, the unwilling tools of people who have a much higher aim than simply accumulate money. These people, if they exist, are aiming at absolute power, which, I claim, is now within their reach.

If we do nothing now before the Crash, a new global economic system they could be imposed on us which we would accept because of our anxiety about our economic future. It is even possible that Bernanke is just a piece in that gigantic chess game and that after The Crash he will have outlived his usefulness.

If another depression or if a Great Recession occurs, no one would ever be able to recover their lost freedoms be it either by a democratic process or through revolutionary means.

If there is a conspiracy, and I am not saying there is, it can be traced to, at least the Bretton Woods agreement [July 1944 - December 1945] where international economists decided on the gold standard at a time after the Great Depression. They all knew that this was a monetary relic that was a factor in accelerating economic depressions.
"There is no escape from a 'managed' currency, whether we wish it or not. In truth, the gold standard is has been a monetary relic for a long time."

Here again Ron Paul by asking for a return to the gold standard instead of the managed credit free currency that I advocate. Although Congressman Paul has good intentions, he has made a proposition that could have unintended disastrous consequences.

I have imagined that a credit free economy could be implemented similar to the one I advocate with a simple difference: instead of indexing the accounts on a random number (The serial number of a €5 banknote) as I suggest, which preserves to the highest possible extent your privacy and your individual freedom, governments could simply index it on your DNA. Your DNA would be your account "number" but that has some serious privacy issues. It would give the government a grip on elements of your private life.

Given a sufficiently inverted yield curve, Bernanke could at any moment start The Crash: by jacking up short-term interest rates in order to, apparently, curb the inflation that arises from the inverted yield curve. He would, at will, invert the yield curve to such a degree that it could immediately trigger The Crash.

The next scheduled announcement of the Federal Open Market Committee
(FOMC) is August 12, 2009. For now the yield curve, according to my model, is not sufficiently inverted. But that could change after the FOMC meeting.

Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy the capitalist system was to debauch the currency.

By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their citizens.

Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction, and it does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to diagnose."

The central banks existence can not be justified: nor on a mathematical ground, neither on constitutional grounds, and more importantly not on a moral ground.

Practical men, who believe themselves to be quite exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some defunct economist. Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy from some academic scribbler of a few years back."

But apart from this contemporary mood, the ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is commonly understood.

On all of these grounds it is important and urgent to abolish the central banks.

But the essential issue here is one of insurance, with a relatively modest premium,
against a potentially catastrophic, very low probability event.

With that, Peter, would you outline your proposals to us?" Chairman Alan Greenspan during the 1999 Meeting of the Federal Open Market Committee.?

"First, and with all due respect, Sir Chairman, my name is not Peter, but Shalom, Shalom Patrick Hamou."

That said, the only way you can still loosen the grip of the central banks would be, to my opinion, that a enough number of people use the serial number of their €5 bank note for their bank accounts before The Crash."

Because the serial number of a €5 bank note does not tell anything about his owner, the New Economic Order can not discriminate or limit individual freedom.

That would allow us to act faster than the New World Order and would give rise to another economic order, which, I have proved, would give us, prosperity, stability, equity and would respect our privacy and individual freedom."
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