
Monday, August 10, 2009

US debates plan for stiff tariffs on Chinese tires

WASHINGTON — The US government heard debate on plans to slap punitive duties on tire imports from China to save jobs at home. 

A packed public hearing at the US Trade Representative's (USTR) office followed a June recommendation by the US International Trade Commission for Tariffs. That office wants to place tariffs of up to 55 percent on Chinese passenger and light truck tires.

The commission made the decision based on a petition led by the United Steelworkers Union. the union says that Chinese tire imports had tripled since 2004, forcing plant shut downs and the loss of 5,100 jobs.

"Our workers cannot compete when the market is is being overwhelmed by a massive flood of tires from China," Leo Gerard, president of the United Steelworkers Union.

 If the Chinese are dumping tires in the US to kill the US tire industry, tariffs are appropriate. The Chinese and Republican views are similar. If John McCain were president, the tire dumping complaint would have likely been swept under the rug.


cartoon: China Daily

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