
Sunday, August 30, 2009

Organizing for America is back!

The Republicans fired the first shots. Let's finish them off now that  Obama's politcal organization, Organizing for America, has been reactivated. Let's rout those Astroturfers, Tea Baggers, Birthers and Deathers. We beat them in 2008 and we will beat them again. 

Don't shoot until you see the height of their lies! 

That's what Senator Ted Kennedy would want!

Congress is about to head back to D.C. to make historic decisions about health insurance reform. This is our last, best chance to take a stand while their attention is focused back home.

So we're organizing "Health Insurance Reform Now" events all around the country to show the overwhelming support for reform.

These events will be watched closely by Congress and the media to gauge just how strongly voters feel about reform -- and every extra person who shows up will make a strong, public case for change.

In the next few days, there's an event happening near you -- and we need all the OFA supporters in the area there. Will you join us?

Find a "Health Insurance Reform Now" event near you:

These will be fun, respectful, powerful events. There are different types happening all over the country -- rallies, press conferences, even a few picnics. But they'll all have a common thread: We'll gather together with other local folks who are sick of the deception that's clouding this debate and share our passion for reform.

We'll thank those in Congress who are already championing reform -- they're feeling the heat and they deserve our support. And we'll urge those still standing in the way to start putting their constituents' health and economic security ahead of the special interests and partisan point-scoring.

Here's the bottom line: Wherever you live, your voice counts and you're needed this week.

See the event planned in your area, and sign up to join us:

Thank you,


Jeremy Bird
Deputy Director
Organizing for America

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