
Monday, August 3, 2009

More Republican Obama racism in Florida

More Republican Obama racism surfaced in Pinellas County, Florida today. This time someone in the Pinellas GOP photoshopped a picture of Presidnet Obama in white face. It was the face of Keith Ledger's "The Joker" in the last Batman movie.

Two pictures were broadcast on Channel 10, WTSP, Tampa Bay.

Update: WTSP just updated its web page with this picture: 

The St. Petersburg blog 2.0 found the initial picture and broke the story: 
"I just found this photo on the Pinellas Republican Party Executive Committee's Facebook page:"

"Although the title of the picture is "Evil Clown," and the image bears some resemblance to The Joker of Batman lore, how can this picture not be construed as a racially-motivated attempt to literally paint Barack Obama in "whiteface"? Or basically, the opposite of this:"

"After the imbroglio over David McKalip's emailing of a racist depiction of the President, you'd think the folks at Pinellas GOP headquarters would know better. McKalip published the 'witch doctor' picture. "

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