
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Right Wing Christian Conspiracy

Every where you turn you find right wing politicians that are evangelical or tied into The Family, the Mormon Church, or a Pentecostal denomination.

Evangelicals have been infiltrating the Armed services for at least 30 years and many of these right wing zealots are senior officers. The Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs is located near a large evangelical community and many of the young men marry evangelical wives after they graduate from the academy.

There are many reports from Iraq and Afghanistan of troops refereeing to themselves as the New Jews or crusaders. Protestant clergy have conducted exorcisms in hospitals in front of Muslim patients. In Afghanistan some troops had planned to distribute thousands of Bible before commanders made them destroy the Bibles. Distributing a Christian Bible in Afghanistan is a crime.

Even worse the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has reported that neo-Nazis have enlisted in the armed forces and many advertise their racist sentiments on the New Saxon web site. Some of these individuals had swastikas and Celtic crosses tattooed their bodies when they enlisted. Many joined the Army or Marines to learn how to use weapons and explosives.

It is not a coincidence that George W. Bush, John Ashcroft and Sarah Palin are Born Again Christians. Senator John Ensign is tied into a shadowy Christian group called The Family and is sequestered with other politicians in a Family compound.

Several members of the United States Senate and Congress, mostly Republicans, are resident or non-resident members of the Family. Boarders at the Family's house on C Street include or have included Senators Tom Coburn, R-Okla., John Ensign, R-Nev., and Sam Brownback, R-Kan. and Representatives Zach Wamp, R-Tenn., Bart Stupak, D-Mich., Jim DeMint, R-S.C., Joseph Pitts, R-Pa, Mike Doyle, D-Pa. Other members include or have included Senators Don Nickles, R.-Okla., Charles Grassley, R.-Iowa, Pete Domenici, R.-N.Mex., James Inhofe, R.-Okla., Bill Nelson, D.-Fla., and Conrad Burns, R.-Mont. and Representative Frank Wolf, R.-Va. Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina is also a member of the family.

Mitt Romney is a bishop in the church of the Latter Day Saints and Mike Huckabeee is an ordained minister. The GOP is seeped in 'old time' religion. Michele Bachman was booted off of a school board when she tried to install 12 Christian principals in a charter school that were similar to the 10 Commandment . There is even a judge in Alabama who was impeached for displaying religious symbols in his court room. He is running for governor.

Many of these Republicans have graduated from Christian schools such as Bob Jones University or Liberty University who indoctrinated their students with Christian values that are historically inaccurate and undemocratic. Many of these Republicans believe that the US was founded as a Christian nation.

Monica Goodling, a government attorney, graduated from one of these schools and she dismissed several US Attorneys for political reasons and replaced them with conservative attorneys provided through a secret GOP network.

Is all of this a coincidence or part of a coordinated right wing conspiracy? Hillary Clinton has talked about the vast right wing conspiracy when she was the First Lady. Rightardia thinks she knew what she was talking about. The objective of this cabal is to Christianize America and stop new progressive programs. These people are mad as a hornets nest because of the defeat of the conservative Christian agenda in the 2008 election.

America saw where this wayward right wing agenda led us in the past eight years. These zealots aren't happy campers and they will do what ever they can to undermine Obama and the Democratic party. Don't undestimate them. They are organized and have a militant agenda.

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