
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Bernie Madoff transferred to Raleigh, NC Prison complex

The Butner Federal Correctional Complex (FCC) consists of three prison facilities and a medical center:

Butner FPC FMC Butner - A Federal Medical Center.
Bernie Madoff will spend the rest of his life in one of the following three prisons. Butner Medium FCI FCI Butner Medium - A medium security Federal Correctional Institution.
Butner Medium FCI II FCI Butner Medium II - A medium security Federal Correctional Institution.
Butner Low FCI FCI Butner Low - A low security Federal Correctional Institution.

FCC Butner is located in North Carolina near the Research Triangle area of Durham, Raleigh, and Chapel Hill. Let's hope we never hear anyone say,"Free Bernie Madoff."


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