
Monday, January 2, 2012

The United States is in no position to tell Tehran what to do in the Strait of Hormuz

Dep. Chief of the Iran's Revolutionary Guards, Gen. Hossein Salami 

Dep. Chief of the Iran's Revolutionary Guards, Gen. Hossein Salami warned on Dec. 29:

The United States is in no position to tell Tehran what to do in the Strait of Hormuz. Any threat will be responded [to] by threat.

So here we go again. the US is trying to use a show of force to get the Iranians to back off of their nuclear program. The Iranians blocked the Strait of Hormuz with a naval exercise for five hours and no ships moved through the straits during that period. 

Is Iran a threat to the US? No, it is s a threat to Israel who wants the US to neutralize all of it enemies. 

Who will be the big loser?

Probably the US consumer at the gas pump. If the US attacks Iran, the strait will be closed cutting off between on-sixth and 40 per cent of the world's oil supply. An oil embargo may follow. 

Do you look forward to paying $4.00 or more per gallon for gasoline at the pump?

Certainly, the Israeli leg humping evangelicals and fundamentalists won't mind, but the Average American should be bitter about these middle east developments. 

You can be sure, too, Republicans, who would like the US to engage Iran militarily, will chide the president about any gas price increases in the upcoming election.

The president would be wise to let Israel fight its own battles.

The US has little to gain by attacking Iran. In fact, such an attack is not in US foreign policy interests at all.

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source: DEBKAfile

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