
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Michele Bachmann to drop out of primary race

This Christian soldier bites the dust

Michele Bachmann finished with 5 per cent of the Iowa vote while her evangelical competitor, Rick Santorum, finished with 25 per cent. Santorum was 8 votes shy of beating Mitt Romney who dropped $700,000 on the primary election.

The IA results suggest there isn't a great deal of enthusiasm for Romney .

Santorum has yet to be vetted and there is plenty of material to attack him with. He has made numerous gaffes.Rightardia thinks that Pastor Mike Huckabee from the 2008 primaries was a far better candidate that Rick Santorum will ever be.

Santorum's evangelical family values platform won't work with independents and Democrats in this economy.

Rightardia noticed that Bachmann had cancelled several campaign events a few days ago and did not appear to be heading to SC.

So good riddance. Politifact rated Bachman as tops with false statements and pants on fire lies. Don't hit your head on the way out, Michele!

The other Evangelical, Rick Perry, is also dropping out. He has some gray matter issues. Being from TX didn't help either.

Jesus gave those drop-outs  their just rewards.


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