
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Huffington Post: Legislating Under the Influence

The GOP view of drug testing

Rightrdia recently wrote an article about Rick Scott's paln to test people applying for welfare for drugs. A federal judge ruled the law a flagrant violation of the Constitution's ban on unreasonable search and seizure. Only 2.5 per cent of the applicants for welfare failed the drug test. The Florida government even required the welfare applicants to pay a fee to take the test which was refundable.

The ACLU said the study found the drug testing program would cost more to run than the state could possibly save by eliminating drug users on welfare.

Michigan had passed a similar law in 2003 that the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals found unconstitutional.

Democratic state Rep. Scott Holcomb of Georgia introduced a bill requiring members of the state legislature to prove they're not Legislating Under the Influence.

Holcomb told HuffPost that he drafted the bill in a reaction to a bill from his Republican colleagues to drug test welfare applicants.

Holcomb said:

I was really struck by how awful it was. I wanted to bring some attention to it.

Hocolmb added that If they're gonna play this legislative game, this is how we're gonna play it.

Regardless of the sex, Rightardia loves Democrats with cojones. More are needed!


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