
Saturday, January 7, 2012

Al Jazeera: Newt should try the Food Stamp diet

AAl Jazeera's Tom Ackerman reports from Washington.

Newt Gingrich, a candidate for the Republican nomination to be president of the US, is under attack for comments he has made this week about African Americans and government benefits for the poor, called food stamps.

Critics say the comments were racially charged, and that other Republican candidates have made similar comments while on the campaign trail.

Republicans have used class and racial warfare to their advantage for years. Their view is the problems in America are caused by the poor, in particular blacks, Rightardia would contend that the economic system which has produced a nation increasingly of "have mores" and "have nots" has caused most of what now ails America.

The strategy of the GOP is get to get the Middle Class to focus on the cost of welfare for the poor and disadvantaged so they do not pay attention to the most affluent Americans, in particular, the one per cent.

The poor are an effect of crony capitalism in which CE0's now make 300 times what the average worker makes. Programs like Food Stamps are essential to the poor are are also the most stimulative of government programs.

This Mark Zandi table from Moody's Analytics makes this clear.

The reason so many people are on food stamps is because they have lost their jobs, not because these people are lazy or members of a minority

Food stamps are a meager benefit. The typical recipient gets about $4.50 per day for food. A California congressperson tried the food stamp diet and she was hungry all the time.

As a historian, Gingrich should also know that food riots have toppled a lot of governments. Some historians believe the European Renaissance and other revolutions were caused by the Little Ice Age in the 16th and 19th centuries that produced an extremely cold climate in Europe. 

Marie Antoinette lost her head shortly after food riots started in France. A Great princess who was probably not Marie Antoinette muttered these words:

"Qu'ils mangent de la brioche." (Let them eat cake.)

Many people emigrated to the US to escape the hunger, debt and misery of Europe.

Newt should try the food stamp diet. He could certainly lose 40 pounds.

Rightrdia's advice to Republicans is too shut up about food stamps. There are more honest ways to pander for votes.

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