
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Cat Fight: Meghan McCain calls Callista a mistress

Meghan McCain argued on MSNBC Tuesday that Callista Gingrich is damaging her husband's presidential primary campaign.

McCain added that Callista  is "a mistress" and has an "icy" personality.

McCain has some valid points. The Tiffany's scandal arose because Newt bought jewelry for Callista to mollify her. Callista didn't want Newt to run for president. 

Newt also had to take a luxury cruise to Greece in April to keep his marraige from going tango uniform. His former campaign advisors were against the trip for obvious reasons. 

In Newt's case, money can apparently buy him love. 

Besides the political problems that Newt has, America does not need a first family with marital difficulties.


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