
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Funny Usenet Post on Bristol Palin

Bristol Palin will be in Fredericksburg, TX, tomorrow at the WalMart to shill her book: "How to Get Drunk and Laid in a Tent and Not Remember A Thing About It."


From: Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names>
Date: Thu, 07 Jul 2011 16:14:09 -0400
Local: Thurs, Jul 7 2011 4:14 pm
Subject: Sub-human primate on the loose!!!!!

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Evolving said...

Look at what Levi Johnston's sister, Mercede, said on her blog about the nights Bristol spent in Levi's bed and the drunken four-some in the tent. It is titled "Bristol misnamed her book. It should read "Not Afraid of Lies." Not to mention the fact that Brisket was on birth control & probably got her pills from Planned Parenthood that her mommy wants to do away with AND the fact that Levi spent months living in the Palin's house. I wonder if Mommy & the First Spud wore earplugs at night to keep from hearing what was going on in the bedroom next to theirs.

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