
Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Rick Scott robo-letters to newspaper editors

Gov. Rick Scott's gubernatorial ratings are about 33 per cent according to the last Public Policy Poll Rightardia looked at.

Scott has produced at best about 25,000 new jobs since he was inaugurated in January and he has been trying to pull himself out of the funk with self-aggrandizing  weekly robo-calls paid by the Florida Republican party which heralds his programs as "a model for the nation."

Arrgh, gag me with a spoon!

Now he has a robo-email that Republicans can send to the five local conservative newspaper editors:

Just enter your name and email address and select your local paper, and a robo-email to your local newspaper editor is automatically transmitted. The link to Scott's web site is:

It appears that Democrats could also use the site to send "special messages" to those five newspaper editors because the content is editable. After you send your special message, a You Tube video of Rick's mom, Esther pops up.

Esther Scott gives a post-session report on why her son made her and Florida proud.Well, at least one third of Floridians are proud. The other two-thirds think Scott is a master of disaster.

Here is the special message that Rightardia sent to the Tampa Tribune:

Dear Editor,

When Rick Scott ran for Governor he promised to create jobs and turn our economy around. So far he has failed miserably.

I didn't vote for Rick because he’s always been a grifter, not a politician. While politicians usually disappoint us and rarely keep their promises, Rick's campaign promises were hyperbole. .

His policies are ineffective. Special interests are justifiably attacking the Governor for taking Florida in the wrong direction.

Rick Scott deserves our unwavering condemnation. How can we expect to elect leaders who will keep their word and do what’s right for our state if we don’t stand up for those with the courage to set priorities, make difficult choices, and actually deliver on their promises made?

That man is clearly not Rick Scott.

He has put corporate interests above the citizens of Florida. He needs to read the Florida Constitution if he doesn't understand his gubernatorial job description.

Rightard Whitey, Palm Harbor

source: Wonkette

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